Brownsville Choirboy 2-10 Reviews 5

I actually won this amplifier in a drawing from Sam Ash Music. Was a little skeptical at first (I had never won anything before), and was not very familiar with the brand. The appearance looked quite good( sturdily built, well thought out control panel, and easy to operate in dim lighting) I decided immediately to put it through it's paces, and I must say I was quite pleasantly surprised! My immediate thought was the similarity to my Fender Blues deville. Very crisp, punchy,and plenty of volume. I then went through the effects, which also brought a broad grin to my face. Great sounding (and controllable) chorus, and rich reverb. To say the least I am quite pleased with it, and plan on using it regularly.

Everything (see above)


Very sturdy, but not too heavy

Great little amp with plenty of punch!

Bluesman rated this unit 5 on 2001-09-16.

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